design worldwide partnership

Transforming Corporate Interiors: L’Oréal and dwp Embrace the Art of Storytelling

In today’s data-driven business world, storytelling has emerged as a crucial tool for companies to communicate their vision and forge emotional connections. A well-crafted narrative transcends language barriers, making it invaluable in design and architecture.

“Beauty for All” inspires design collaboration

One of the most compelling examples of the successful integration of storytelling and corporate vision can be found in the recent collaboration between global beauty giant L’Oréal and renowned design firm dwp on the design of L’Oréal’s new 3000 m2 corporate headquarters at the newly completed Park Silom mixed use complex in Bangkok. At the heart of the project was L’Oréal’s guiding philosophy of “Beauty for all,” a narrative that encompassed powerful themes of diversity, confidence, and the essence of beauty itself, painting a vivid picture of inclusivity that resonated deeply with the company’s core values and mission.

As Executive Director Khun Sarinrath explained, “Our ‘Beauty for All’ philosophy is about making beauty accessible, aspirational and sustainable for everyone. It was crucial that this ethos was captured and reflected in every aspect of our new headquarters design.”

dwp’s Design Philosophy: Embracing Simplicity, Sustainability, and the Timeless Beauty of Nature

Tasked with bringing this narrative to life, dwp drew inspiration from the central themes of the story, incorporating elements that reflected and reinforced these ideas throughout the project. The use of organic shapes inspired by human silhouettes added warmth and intimacy to the office environment, creating a welcoming and inclusive space. The colour palette, derived from a diverse range of natural skin tones, celebrated the rich tapestry of human coloration and represented L’Oréal’s commitment to diversity.

As dwp’s Thailand Creative Director Thomas explained, “We wanted the design to convey a sense of natural, timeless beauty. The organic forms and earth tones create a warm, inviting atmosphere that puts people at ease and reflects the beauty found in the diversity of nature and humanity.”

Managing Director Robert Troup added, “Sustainability was also a key part of the story we wanted to tell with this design. By incorporating green spaces, natural materials, and energy-efficient features, we aimed to demonstrate that beauty and sustainability can go hand-in-hand – an idea core to L’Oréal’s values.”

Shared narratives drive project success A clear and compelling narrative acts as a unifying force, connecting all aspects of the project and ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned towards common objectives. A strong narrative fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation among team members.

We believe that companies that master the art of crafting compelling narratives will be well-positioned to differentiate themselves, build stronger relationships with customers, and achieve their long-term goals.

“The L’Oréal collaboration is a testament to the transformative power of storytelling in design,” said Scott Whittaker, Group Creative Design Director and founder at dwp. “By weaving L’Oréal’s ‘Beauty for All’ narrative into every aspect of the project, we were able to create a space that not only embodies their corporate identity but also inspires and connects with people on a deeper level.”


Tags: Abu dhabi, Agile workspace, Archi, Architect, Architecture, Artist, Asia, Bangkok, Bar, BIM, Blessing, Blog, Boutique, Business, Civic, Construction, Content, Creativity, Culture, Debate, Design, Designer, Digital, Digital technology, Digital transformation, Digitisation, Drama, Drink, Dubai, Education, Email, Experience, F&B, Food, Future, Health, Healthcare, Hicap, Ho chi minh, Hong kong, Hospital, Hospitality, Hotel, Hotel design, Human, Information, Innovation, Interior, Interior design, Interior designer, Interview, Knowledge, Lebua, Lifestyle, Luxury, Luxury design, Luxury interior, Marriott, Mindful, News, Newsletter, Phone, Profile, Profit, Psychology, Residential, Restaurant, Romance, Saigon, School, Signage, Sky, Smartphone, Smartphones, Social media, Social psychology, Sport + Leisure, Studio, Success, Sustainibility, Tech, Technology, Thailand, Trends, Video, Vietnam, W hotel, Wayfinding, Wellbeing, Women

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