The Why – Climate Emergency Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face as a global community As we increasingly see its impact on our world, it’s clear that s
Living WELL – A Place You Choose To Be
The Why – Climate Emergency
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face as a global community. As we increasingly see its impact on our world, it’s clear that shifting to sustainable practices is critical not just for the future but also for our prosperity and individual wellbeing today. “When we look at the world through the hopeful eyes of our future generations, we wish them a brighter future,” says Shanica Saenrak Hall, dwp Group Sustainability Leader. “It is our obligation as designers to minimize the impacts to our world and ensure sustainability is at the core of how we inhabit the built environment.”

According to the 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction by the United Nations Environment Programme, the building and construction sector accounted for almost 40% of total global energy-related CO2 emissions. In response to alarming statistics such as this, dwp has committed to reimagining our built environment as part of the Architects Declare movement and is continuing to improve sustainability deliverables.
Over the past decade, dwp has been at the forefront of this movement. In 2015, dwp designed the Echuca Regional Health Hospital Redevelopment, which boasts an array of sustainable features, including one of Australia’s largest solar thermal cooling installations; and in 2017, dwp delivered the 6 Star Green Star Western Sydney University Science Building, setting new standards in Australian construction.
Key to the evolution of sustainable design practices are green building rating tools, such as Living Building Challenge and WELL. “The synergies between these different systems change the way we think about sustainability,” says Saenrak Hall. “At dwp, we are constantly informed by these innovative learnings.”