design worldwide partnership

How will stadium design be impacted by the considerations of a post-pandemic world

dwp|research: Stadium Design in a Post-Pandemic World

How will stadium design be impacted by the considerations of a post-pandemic world?

Michael Hegarty
CEO of dwp | design worldwide partnership

The COVID-19 pandemic saw mass disruption to live entertainment and sporting venues globally and while there is growing optimism around the resumption of economic activity, social functions, and major events as vaccine roll-outs gain momentum, the long-term impact of the pandemic on stadiums is uncertain.
With the likely ongoing need for flexible spaces that can accommodate rapidly changing needs around social distancing and hygiene measures, however, it is clear that we need to begin to re-think stadium design for a post-pandemic world.

We collectively need a thorough understanding of the longer term changes to stadium standards and spectator management and need to understand how to integrate the relevant changes into the design of upgrades or new facilities.
At dwp | design worldwide partnership, we are well placed to tackle these challenges. We take a proactive and collaborative approach to risk management, and our global studios are located in countries that have generally been successful in reducing the spread and impact of COVID-19.

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